Wednesday 28 March 2012


yeah haha. look at the title i've become a "perempaun" not "perempuan" anymore. haha.ok just kidding =.=  *hazirah dah gile. sumpa duduk rumah just makan.makan.makan. berat confirm2 naik ber-paun2 kan.haha.dah2 merepek je.hmm...busy finding scholarship and applying university for now. seriously pening buntu and smue ade. luckily Hakimi Khairudin ade. haha. he's my best buddy and he's somehow i would like to say as my a lil senior haha. just because he entered a university few month earlier than me i've called him a senior. what rubbish am i talking about.haha ignore my damn-god-please-help-her grammatical error here. this isn't an examination. haha i wished i could enter University Teknologi PETRONAS known as UTP here in Malaysia *macam lah korang tak tahu kan =.= sebab ade kimi :) ouh he's so cute. his eyes drive me crazy.haha sepet.sepet. no lah. mestilah nak study kan. menyesal tak study time SPM. haha baru nak nyesal an. forget the pass and create new unforgettable memory. hopefully dah masuk uni nanti boleh try dapat pointer 3.7 and above haha.i do seriously love engineering.i love physics. i want to be an engineer one day.and i really wish i could.pray for my luck. 
